Raytrace by S.Kowalski and H.A. Enge (MIT, Cambridge, Ma. USA) ============================================================== Modification History UR: JUN-1987 Converted to compile with absoft AC-FORTRAN-77 for ATARI 1040STF (URS ROHRER, SIN, 5234 VILLIGEN) OCT-2002 Recompiled for MS Windows by Urs Rohrer (PSI). Used compiler Digital Visual Fortran Version 6. mraytra.bat: fl32 -c -Ox ray1.for fl32 -c -Ox ray2.for fl32 -c -Ox ray3.for fl32 -c -Ox ray4.for link ray1.obj ray2.obj ray3.obj ray4.obj @listopt listopt: -out:raytrace.exe -machine:i386 -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup -stack:32760,4096 -defaultlib:dfor.lib Urs Rohrer (PSI), tel: +41 56 310 4035 email: urs.rohrer@psi.ch