Isotope Production

Isotope Production target fitIsotope Production
TRANSPORT input file

The ASCII file displayed below represents an input file (FOR001.DAT) for the beam optics program TRANSPORT. It contains the fit sequence, which demonstrates the technique for fitting the proton beam size at the location of the isotope production target by varying the field values of the last 4 quadrupoles of the proton beam line. The initial proton beam data and the quadrupole field values were transferred from the previous envelope fit for the proton beam line for isotope production with the procedures BOI and QOI. The proton beam sizes at the labels FITX and FITY were transferred with a special program asking the operator interactively for the desired proton beam diameters in x and y at the the location of the isotope production target. All lines relevant for the fitting are written with bold letters.

 15. 1.0 /MM/ .1 ;
 15. 6.0 /PM/ .1 ;
1. 1.47 1.989 8.641 2.558 0. 1. 0.375 /BEAM/ ;
12. -0.296 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.984 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. /CORR/ ;
14. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. /R16/ ;
14. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. /R26/ ;
 3. .0 /I/ ;
 3. .0 /PX14/ ;
 3. .02 /PX13/ ;
 3. .015 ;
 3. .02 /KX5/ ;
 3. .013 ;
 3. .022 /KY1/ ;
 3. .038 ;
 16. 5.0 24.0 ;
 16. 7.0 .45 ;
 2. .0 ;
 4. .257 7.136 .0 /AYA/ ;
 4. .257 7.136 .0 ;
 2. .0 ;
 3. .531 /VYD1/ ;
 3. .295 ;
5. 0.296 -0.9999 50. /QYA1/ ;
 3. .134 ;
5. 0.296 2.5492 50. /QYA2/ ;
 3. .302 /SYC1/ ;
 3. .0 /SYC2/ ;
 3. .302 ;
5. 0.296 0.5046 50. /QYA3/ ;
 3. .252 ;
 3. .06 /MYP3/ ;
 3. .0 /MYP4/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .2791 ;
 16. 5.0 31.6 ;
 16. 7.0 .45 ;
 2. 10.0 /BETA/ ;
 4. .597 13.823 .0 /AYB/ ;
 7. .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ;
 4. .597 13.823 .0 ;
 2. 10.0 /BETA/ ;
 3. .2782 ;
 3. .06 /MYP5/ ;
 3. .0 /MYP6/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .2618 /MYC1/ ;
 3. .285 /SYA3/ ;
 3. .0 /SYA4/ ;
 3. .221 ;
5. 0.296 2.4998 50. /QYA4/ ;
 3. .134 ;
5. 0.296 -2.4504 50. /QYA5/ ;
 3. .2488 ;
 3. .06 /MYP7/ ;
 3. .0 /MYP8/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .1755 /VYD2/ ;
 3. .1557 /KYV1/ ;
 3. 1.5 ;
 16. 14.0 .0 ;
 3. .0905 ;
 3. .032 /KY5/ ;
 6. 1.0 17.5 3.0 17.5 /6KY5/ ;
 3. .14425 ;
 3. .14675 ;
 3. .032 /KY6/ ;
 6. 1.0 11.0 3.0 11.0 /6KY6/ ;
 3. .0925 ;
 16. 25.0 .19 /I1/ ;
 16. 26.0 -.0125 /I2/ ;
 16. 27.0 .0777 /I3/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
5. 0.296 1.0987 50. /QYA6/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
 3. .224 /QC1I/ ;
 16. 25.0 .209 /I1/ ;
 16. 27.0 .0552 /I3/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
5. 0.328 0.028 100. /QYC1/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
 3. .272 /QC2I/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
5. 0.328 -1.324 100. /QYC2/ ;
 2. 1000.00 ;
 3. .329 /PY3/ ;
 3. .318 /VYS1/ ;
 3. .498 /SYA5/ ;
 3. .0 /SYA6/ ;
 3. .173 ;
 3. .032 /KY8/ ;
 6. 1.0 28.0 3.0 31.0 /6KY8/ ;
 3. .041 /VYD4/ ;
 3. .18 ;
 3. .06 /MP13/ ;
 3. .0 /MP14/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .2347 ;
 16. 5.0 30.0 ;
 16. 7.0 .45 ;
 20. 180.0 ;
 2. 1.5 ;
 4. .152 2.2334 .0 /AYD/ ;
 4. .152 2.2334 .0 ;
 2. 1.5 ;
 20. -180.0 ;
 3. .09 ;
 3. .1897 /SYA8/ ;
 3. .286 ;
5. 0.296 1.3116 50. /QYA7/ ;
 3. .134 ;
5. 0.296 -1.9674 50. /QYA8/ ;
 3. .283 /SYA9/ ;
 3. .0 /SY10/ ;
 3. .371 /MYC2/ ;
 3. .259 ;
 3. .06 /MP15/ ;
 3. .0 /MP16/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .421 /BY2/ ;
 3. .203 /KYV2/ ;
 3. 1.5 ;
 3. .184 /PY4/ ;
 3. .241 ;
 3. .06 /MP17/ ;
 3. .0 /MP18/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .134 ;
 3. .032 /KY10/ ;
 6. 1.0 24.0 3.0 44.0 /6K10/ ;
 3. .089 ;
5. 0.296 -0.3086 50. /QYA9/ ;
 3. .134 ;
5. 0.296 0.4629 50. /QY10/ ;
 3. .272 /SY11/ ;
 3. .0 /SY12/ ;
 3. .686 ;
 3. .032 /KY11/ ;
 6. 1.0 30.0 3.0 19.0 /6K11/ ;
 3. .149 ;
 3. .06 /MP19/ ;
 3. .0 /MP20/ ;
 3. .06 ;
 3. .177 /VYD5/ ;
 3. .1165 /PYTW/ ;
 3. .487 ;
 3. .032 /KY12/ ;
 6. 1.0 16.0 3.0 16.0 /6K12/ ;
 3. .1775 /TIPW/ ;
 -10. 1. 1. 7.5 0.1 /FITX/ ;
 -10. 3. 3. 7.5 0.1 /FITY/ ;
 -10. 2. 2. 0.5 1.0 /FITA/ ;
 3. .285 ;
 10. /FITX/ ;
 10. /FITY/ ;
 10. /FITA/ ;
 5.01 /QYA7/ ;
 5.01 /QYA8/ ;
 5.01 /QYA9/ ;
 5.01 /QY10/ ;

Isotope ProductionIsotope Production Back to:Isotope production yield optimization
Isotope ProductionIsotope Production Last updated by Urs Rohrer on 13-Feb-2006