µE4 beam line
The µE4 is optimized for an intense polarized muon beam in the momentum range between
30 and 100 MeV/c. Its layout essentially duplicates that of µE1 :
- a high acceptance pion section
- a superconducting solenoid
- an extraction section
The beam line is attached to the target station TE at an angle of 90°, and the system has been adapted to the 6 cm length of the carbon production target. Matching the lower pion energies available, the superconducting
solenoid is only 5 m long. The extraction system can be operated in two different modes :
- Mode A is achromatic yielding higher muon fluxes
- Mode B is chromatic (or analyzing) yielding four times smaller range widths at a corresponding cost of intensity
The following table lists the main characteristics of the extraction section.The
layout of the experimental area and of the magnetic components are shown in
Fig 1 and Fig 2 . In
Fig 3 the measured negative muon fluxes and ranges as a function
of momentum are plotted. The flux for positive muons is higher by a factor of four.
Table 1 : Characteristics of the µE4 beam line
Mode A B
Momentum acceptance (FWHM) 15% 3%
Beam spot at solenoid end (mm FWHM) 50 horiz.
35 vert.
Beam divergence at solenoid end 100 horiz.
[mrad FWHM] 300 vert.
CH2 range width at 88.5 MeV/c [g/cm²] 2.0 0.55
CH2 range width at 50.0 MeV/c [g/cm²] 0.3 0.10
Beam spot size at target (mm FWHM) 60 horiz.
40 vert.
Mean muon polarization [%] 75
The muon channel µE4 has the following advantages over the µE2 channel :
- It is designed for experiments requiring low momentum and/or small range widths, as seen in Fig 4 . It is possible to select
even lower muon momenta than 50 MeV/c and to obtain correspondingly smaller widths
by degrading the pions in front of the channel.
- Low neutron background due to the use of a 90° pion production angle.
Since the muon area µE4 is located at backward angles with respect to the target TE and the beam dump, very few high energy ( > 100 MeV/c) neutrons rach the area from these sources(1/1000 neutrons 1/mA s cm²). The main source
of fast neutrons in the energy range from 1 to 100 MeV/c is therefore the pion dump after the last bending magnet, which is well shielded. A second source
of neutrons (in case of negative muons operation) is the slit system where the halo muons are dumped.
There is a manual
in pdf format with more details.
Conversion from DAC values to field values and vice versa, can be done using the TUNE and ITUNE
programme .
The coordinator for this beam line is F. Foroughi .
F. Foroughi .