Beam Tomography Beam Tomography

Maximum Entropy
Beam Tomography

Beam TomographyBeam Tomography


Sample input file (MENTIN.DAT), xterm input/output and output file (MENTOUT.DAT). For the graphic screen output produced (overview collection, empty space narrowed in) with this input file see Fig. 2 (23 kB). To configure the printing to your needs you have to modify the file print programmed in csh. MENT prints to a Postscript file, which has to be converted with Ghostscript (gs) if you do not have a local Postscript printer but for example a HP Deskjet 550C. For accessing remote Postscript printers you have to replace the command VPP (only for PSI) by one, which is valid at your place.


*IW1-HORZ** L=1 : MNP1, L=2 : MNP3 (Z=0), L=3: MNP5                        
    0.000     2.198     0.000     0.020     3
 -0.20684  -1.43623   0.58378  -0.78109
   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.7    0.7    2.4    4.1    8.3
  13.4   17.6   26.9   48.0   66.6   86.0  140.0  192.3  226.9  286.8
 416.8  517.2  598.2  688.5  831.9  939.9  889.3  852.2  769.5  597.3
 453.9  382.2  260.6  174.6  138.3  113.0   69.1   51.4   38.7   32.8
  18.5   13.4   10.0    7.5    5.0    4.1    2.4    3.3    0.0    0.0
  1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000
   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
   1.8    5.9   14.1   20.2   36.5   54.8   93.5  144.4  199.4  453.9
 559.8 1046.5 1225.7 1635.0 1445.6 1449.7  879.5  415.2  205.5   73.1
  22.2   12.0    3.9    1.8    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
  1.00000   1.51000   0.00000   1.00000
   5.3    7.9    6.0    7.9   11.3   15.9   21.8   21.2   25.2   31.8
  39.1   70.2   73.5   73.5   83.4  128.4  206.5  219.8  275.4  343.5
 379.3  595.1  714.9  714.9  723.5  761.2  665.3  630.2  629.5  546.8
 438.9  314.4  262.1  235.7  191.3  152.2   96.6   61.6   56.9   48.3
  35.1   23.2   13.9   11.3    9.9    7.3    4.0    3.3    2.6    2.0
   2    9     0.010     0.100     1.000     0.012     0.009     0.000

XTERM INPUT/OUTPUT: (everywhere the default input is taken by pressing the RET key.)

1: Off-center solid cylinder
2: Off-center solid cylinder             (with noisy data)
3: Solid cylinder inside hollow cylinder
4: Solid cylinder inside hollow cylinder (with noisy data)
5: Off-center tilted asymmetric gaussian
6: Off-center tilted asymmetric gaussian (with noisy data)
Enter test_number (1:6) or RET for measured data
Automatic noise reduction [Y/N] ? (Def = Y)
Enter F for HFAC from file, RET for internal values
Choose printer device (RET for 1):
1: Remote post script printer in black and white
2: Remote post script printer in color
3: Local printer in black and white
4: Local printer in color
Enter maximum number of iterations (D = 9)

*IW1-HORZ** L=1 : MNP1, L=2 : MNP3 (Z=0), L=3: MNP5                             

ITER=  1, QAVD=  1.47E+01, NINF=   0, NIND=   0, NZER=  31, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  2, QAVD=  6.76E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  3, QAVD=  4.14E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  4, QAVD=  2.92E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  5, QAVD=  2.26E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  6, QAVD=  1.84E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  7, QAVD=  1.57E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  8, QAVD=  1.39E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  9, QAVD=  1.26E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
Frame numbers are:
1: Profiles and corresponding projections of the source
2: H-factors for reconstructing the source
3: Source (contour plot) and phase space density
4: Source (3-dim plot)
5: Source (3-dim plot, turned 90 degs)
6: X -projection of the source
7: X'-projection of the source
8: Overview collection


*IW1-HORZ** L=1 : MNP1, L=2 : MNP3 (Z=0), L=3: MNP5                             

SLIM =  1.10E+00    TLIM =  1.00E-02    XCEN = -6.71E-02    YCEN =  1.93E-04
SCEN:  1.11E+00 1.01E+00 1.09E+00
SREF:  1.11E+00 1.01E+00 1.09E+00
ITER=  1, QAVD=  1.47E+01, NINF=   0, NIND=   0, NZER=  31, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  2, QAVD=  6.76E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  3, QAVD=  4.14E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  4, QAVD=  2.92E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  5, QAVD=  2.26E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  6, QAVD=  1.84E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  7, QAVD=  1.57E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  8, QAVD=  1.39E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117
ITER=  9, QAVD=  1.26E-01, NINF=   0, NIND=  31, NZER=   0, NOUT=   5, N= 117

MITER =     9     PREC =      0.010     QTOL =      0.100
ICON  =     9     QAVD =  0.126E+00     Time =      0.000


Structure of input file MENTIN.DAT:
Xshif Swid Yshif Twid N
Data Block 1
Data Block N
Kadj Miter Prec Qtol Stepat RelAbn RelRan Stratn

Structure of all N Data Blocks (views):
R11 R12 R21 R22
P1  P2  P3  .... P10
P11 P12 P13 .... P20
P21 P22 P23 .... P30
P31 P32 P33 .... P40
P41 P42 P43 .... P50

Meaning of the parameters in file MENTIN.DAT:
Title of the run (up to 80 chars)
Offset in x [cm] (normally 0.)
Total width of profile range (all the same, in cm)
Offset in x' [rad] (normally 0.)
Total range of x' (in radians, guess)
Number of measured views (profiles, each 51 points)
Transfer matrix element(1,1) for position of view relative to reference plane
Transfer matrix element(1,2) for position of view relative to reference plane
in mm/mrad (or m)
Transfer matrix element(2,1) for position of view relative to reference plane
in mrad/mm (or 1/m)
Transfer matrix element(2,2) for position of view relative to reference plane
Array containing measured normalized profile (all profiles the same integral)
If 2, the reconstruction will be centered at origin
Maximum number of iterations
Desired convergence accuracy in matching projection data P.
Allows tolerancing in matching input in array P
not used
not used
not used
not used


Meaning of parameters in file MENTOUT.DAT:
Used half width of profile range (all the same, in cm)
Used half range of x' (in radians)
x-position of the centroid of the 2-D emittance function
x'-position of the centroid of the 2-D emittance function
Centroids of profiles
Position of the projection of the center of rotation
Actual iteration step <= MITER
Actual averaged relative error per data point >= PREC
Number of points with data >0 and back-projection of source =0
Number of points with data =0 and back-projection of source =0
Number of points with data =0 and back-projection of source >0
Number of points outside SLIM
Number of points with data >0 and back-projection of source >0
Maximum number of iterations
Desired convergence accuracy in matching projection data P.
Allows tolerancing in matching input in array P
Number of iterations needed by MENT

Beam TomographyBeam Tomography Last updated by Urs Rohrer on 21-Feb-2006