TCP/IP with Fortran

TCP/IP with Fortran:
CAMAC client sample programTCP/IP with Fortran

TCP/IP with Fortran The following sample program is written for VAX-VMS Fortran and prints onto the screen a list of the DAC and ADC values of all devices (command = RALL) of a given secondary beam line. In order to run this sample program from a VAX-VMS host you first have to replace in listing 1 the SERVER and PORT expressions by those valid for your server. Then compile the subroutine package coded in C (Listing 2) and link its object file with the compiled Fortran sample program (Listing 1). The compiler and linker directives are given in Listing 3.
Note 1: VAX FORTRAN treats CHARACTERs as so called descriptors (DESC) which are nothing else than structures. (The string part of the DESC structure is not zero-terminated but filled up with trailing blanks.)
Note 2: All parameters in Fortran subroutines are usually transferred by reference (as pointers).
Note 3: Porting the code to Linux should not cause any major problems.

Listing 1: TEST.FOR

	Program Test
	character*15 SERVER
	character*100 COMMAND
	character*1000 BUFFER
	integer PORT
	integer SOCKET
	integer TCPOpen
	integer TCPClose
	integer TCPTransfer
	SERVER = 'MyPC'  !  use the area's server name
	PORT   = 12345   !  use the area's port number
	if (SOCKET .NE. -1) THEN
	  icount = TCPTransfer(SOCKET,COMMAND,BUFFER)
	  if (icount .NE. -1) call Print(BUFFER)
	  iret = TCPClose(SOCKET)
	  call exit

	subroutine Print(buffer)
	character*(*) buffer
	jpos = 1
	jbeg = 1
   50	continue
	  if (buffer(jpos:jpos) .eq. char(10)) then  ! search for \n
	    write(6,*) buffer(jbeg:jpos-1)
	    jbeg = jpos + 1
	  jpos = jpos + 1
	  if (jpos .ge. 1000) go to 100
        go to 50
  100	return

Listing 2: fsubs.c

   TCP/IP subroutine package for VAX Fotran

#include <types.h>
#include <socket.h>
#include <in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXLEN      2048        /* max command buffer length */
#define BACKLOG     5           /* max outstanding connections  */
#define FLAGS       0           /* flags argument, must be zero */
#define closesocket close
#define SOCKET int

typedef struct
  unsigned short length;
  unsigned char  type;
  unsigned char  code;
  char           *pointer;

typedef struct sockaddr *LPSOCKADDR;

int TCPOpen(DESC *pserver, int *pport)
   int  status;
   int  namelength;
   int  shutdown_required = 0;
   char localhost_s[MAXLEN];
   char remothost_s[MAXLEN];

   struct sockaddr_in l_socket_s;
   struct sockaddr_in r_socket_s;
   struct hostent     *localhost_p;
   struct hostent     *remothost_p;

   SOCKET    l_socket;
   char      server[MAXLEN];
   short int port;
   int       i;

   /* Interface Fortran -> C */

   for (i=0; i<pserver->length; i++)
      if (server[pserver->length-i-1] != ' ')
   server[pserver->length-i] = '\0';
   port   = *pport;

   /*  Create a socket  */

   l_socket    =   socket ( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
   if ( l_socket == -1 )
	printf ("** Error Creating Socket **\n");
	return -1;

   /*  Get hostname  */

   localhost_p   =   gethostbyname ( localhost_s );
   if ( localhost_p == NULL )
	printf ("** Cannot get hostaddress of %s **\n",localhost_s);
	return -1;

   /*  bind socket to port  */
   l_socket_s.sin_family       =   AF_INET;
   l_socket_s.sin_port         =   htons ( 0 );
   l_socket_s.sin_addr.s_addr  =   0;
   memcpy((char*)&(l_socket_s.sin_addr), localhost_p->h_addr, localhost_p->h_length);

   status = bind ( l_socket, (LPSOCKADDR)&l_socket_s, sizeof(l_socket_s));

   if ( status == -1 )
	printf ("** Error Binding Socket, errno = %d **\n",errno);
	shutdown ( l_socket , 2 );
        return -1;

   /*  Get Server name  */

   remothost_p   =   gethostbyname ( remothost_s );
   if ( remothost_p == NULL )
	printf ("** Cannot get server address %s **\n",remothost_s);
        return -1;

   /*  Connect to Server socket  */

   r_socket_s.sin_family       =   AF_INET;
   r_socket_s.sin_port         =   htons ( (unsigned short)port );
   r_socket_s.sin_addr.s_addr  =   *(unsigned long *) *(remothost_p->h_addr_list);

   namelength = sizeof ( r_socket_s );
   status     = connect ( l_socket, (LPSOCKADDR)&r_socket_s, namelength );

   if ( status == -1)
	printf ("** Error connecting to Server **\n");
	shutdown ( l_socket , 2 );
	return -1;
   return (l_socket);

int TCPClose(SOCKET *socket)
   int    retval;
   SOCKET l_socket = *socket;

   retval = closesocket( l_socket );

   return retval;

int TCPTransfer(SOCKET *socket, DESC *command, DESC *buffer)
   int    i, z, status;
   int    count;
   struct timeval timeout;
   fd_set readfds;
   int    msecs = 4000;
   SOCKET l_socket;
   char   command_s[MAXLEN];
   char   r_buffer[MAXLEN];
   char   *ptr;

   /* Interface Fortran -> C */

   l_socket = *socket;
   for (i=0; i<command->length; i++)
      if (command_s[command->length-i-1] != ' ')
   command_s[command->length-i] = '\0';

   count = send ( l_socket, command_s, strlen(command_s) + 1, FLAGS );
   if ( count == -1)
	printf ("** Error sending data **\n");
	return -1;

   z = 0;
      if (msecs > 0)
	 timeout.tv_sec  = msecs / 1000;
	 timeout.tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000;
	 status = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
	 if (status == -1)
            printf ("** Error while selecting **\n");
	    return 0;
	 if (!FD_ISSET(l_socket,&readfds))
	    printf ("** Timeout while selecting **\n");
	    r_buffer[z] = '\0';  // terminate it by adding a '\0'

      count = recv ( l_socket, &r_buffer[z], MAXLEN, FLAGS );
      if ( count == -1 )
	 printf ("** Error receiving answer **\n");
	 return -1;
         z += count;

      if (r_buffer[z-1] == '\0')  // termination has arrived

   /* Interface C -> Fortran */

   ptr = (char *)(buffer->pointer + z-1);
   *ptr++ = '\n';			  /* terminate with LF */
   memset(ptr,' ',buffer->length-z); /* fill rest with blanks */
   return z;

Listing 3: Compilation and Linking

$cc/vaxc fsubs.c
$fortran test.for
$link test + fsubs + sys$library:ucx$ipc/lib + sys$library:vaxcrtl/lib

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TCP/IP with Fortran TCP/IP with Fortran Last updated by Urs Rohrer on 10-Feb-2005