Secondary Beam Line

Secondary Beam Line Control System:Secondary Beam Line
Used Database

Secondary Beam Line Each line of the (ASCII) data base file DEVICE.LIS contains up to 17 parameters. The meaning of these parameters is given in table 1. The CAMAC and ROAD addresses are assigned by the Control System Group and are filed in their address book. (Contact Francois Kreis or Alfred Beck for more info). Additionally, there are 5 special types of lines (see also sample DEVICE.LIS below):

  • Line has only a star (*): This line is only meaningful for the "Set Point" program , where it means, that the devices on the following lines should appear on a new page of the display. The maximum number of devices per page is 16. If more than 16 consecutive device lines are not interrupted by a star (*), then a new page on the display will be created automatically for the surplus devices.
  • Line is empty: This is only for the "Set Point" program where it means, that an empty space after the preceding device should appear on the display.
  • Line starts with a minus sign (-): This is for commenting out a line. The purpose is to keep the data in the DEVICE.LIS file for eventual later usage.
  • Device name = RESUNI: This line has only to be present, if a reservation unit is used which is plugged in at the station (slot) N of the CAMAC crate. N must be set as the 4th parameter of this device line. All other parameters are dummy (e.g. 0).
  • Alias name = name: This is for temporarily changing the name of a device without loosing the default name of the device. Different magnets of different experiments have sometimes to share the same power supply. The name of the power supply usually keeps the name of the original (default) magnet.

Secondary Beam Line Caution: The file DEVICE.LIS must reside on the corresponding area server PC in the directory C:\OPTIMA. There are 2 methods to modify this file. Either you edit it remotely via the Microsoft network or you edit it locally on the server PC after a login via VNCviewer.

Table 1: Description of the 17 device list parameters.

Entry # Group Meaning
1 Device Name
2 DAC parameters Special bit (0 or 1)
3 ROAD address (0 to 15)
4 Camac station Number (1 to 23)
5 Lower limit (in DAC units)
6 Upper limit (in DAC units)
7 Device index (see table 2)
8 ADC parameters Special bit (0 or 1)
9 ROAD address (0 to 15)
10 Camac station Number (1 to 23)
11 Channel (0 to 31) (*
12 Range (see table 3) (**
13 Device index (see table 2)
14 Mixed parameters Scale (+
15 Precision (+
16 Full scale (Amps etc.) (++
17 I/O-Flag (see table 4)

Table 1b: More details for table 1.

* For SMK-DACs (Device index = 9) this parameter means a DAC offset. Example: If this parameter is -500 instead of 0, then the DAC range goes from -500 to +500 instead of 0 to +1000.
** For SMK-ADCs (Device index = 9) this parameter means an ADC offset given in units of 0.001. Example: If this paramter is -500 instead of 0, then the ADC range goes from -0.500 to +0.500 instead of 0.0 to +1.000 .
+ FAQ: What do the 2 parameters 'Scale' and 'Precision' mean ? Answer: They are only needed for the "Set Point" program . If DAC and ADC values of a device do not correspond within a certain limit (= Precision), then a star is placed in front of the ADC-value and a sound signal is produced. Scale is the value which is taken by the ADC (in units of 1.0) if the DAC value is set to DacMax (= 2047, 4095 or 65535). (e.g.: Scale = 0.2 if a power supply runs in the '20 % mode'.)
Formula: if [ | ( 1.0 - (DacMax * |AdcValue|) / (Scale * |DacValue|) ) | > Precision ] then { print star and do sound }
++ FAQ: What does the parameter 'Full scale' mean ? Answer: It is only needed for the "Set Point" program . If it is not present or if it is zero, then the ADC value is displayed in the range between 0.0 and +- 1.0 . If a value other than 0 is given, then the ADC value is multiplied with this 'Full scale' value before displaying it.

Table 2: currently supported devices.

Index DAC type ADC type
0 12 bit with polarity (12SW1) 2DV8, 3DV32 (3 decades)
1 16 bit unsigned (16SW..) 4DV8, 4DV32 (4 decades)
2 12 bit Combi 12 bit Combi
3 DCN32 pointer DCN32 (unipolar 1V)
4 16 bit signed (16SW1A) like 12SW1A (12 bits only)
5 12 bit bipolar Combi 12 bit bipolar Combi
6 - 12 bit unipolar SADC (CSA)
7 12SW1A 12SW1A
8 12SWBA (bipolar) 12SWBA (bipolar)
9 SMK (12 bit) SMK (12 bit)
10 16 bit signed Combi 12 bit signed Combi

Table 3: only applicable for multiplexed ADCs of type 0 and 1.

Value Range
0 1 Volt
1 10 Volt

Table 4: possible I/O-Flag parameters

Value Meaning
N No Save on file
R Remote access only
X No Save on File, no automatic switch-on of Combi

Sample DEVICE.LIS (piE3 secondary beam line):
 RESUNI  0  0 12       0       0  0 0  0  0  0  0  0 0.0   0.0
 QTD71   0  1  3   -4095    4095  2 1  1  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100 500.0
 QTD72   0  2  3   -4095    4095  2 1  2  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.200 500.0
 QTB71   0  3  3   -4095    4095  2 1  3  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100 500.0
 ASK71   0  9  5   -4095    4095  2 1  9  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
 HSA71   0  1  5    -750     750  5 1  1  5  0  0  5 1.000 0.100
 QSK71   0  9  3   -4095    4095  2 1  9  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 QSK72   0 10  3   -4095    4095  2 1 10  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 QSK73   0 11  3   -4095    4095  2 1 11  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 QSK74   0 12  3   -4095    4095  2 1 12  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 HSA72   0  4  5   -4095    4095  2 1  4  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
 ASK72   0 10  5   -4095    4095  2 1 10  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
 HSD71   0  3  5   -4095    4095  2 1  3  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
 QSB71   0  4  3   -4095    4095  2 1  4  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 QSB72   0  5  3   -4095    4095  2 1  5  3  0  0  2 0.200 0.100
 QSD01   0  8  5   -4095    4095  2 1  8  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
- QSB74   0  7  5   -4095    4095  2 1  7  5  0  0  2 1.000 0.100
 FS71-0  0  0  6       0    1000  9 1  0  6  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS71-U  0  1  6       0    1000  9 1  1  6  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS71-L  0  0  8       0    1000  9 1  0  8  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS71-R  0  1  8       0    1000  9 1  1  8  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS72-0  0  0  9       0    1000  9 1  0  9  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS72-U  0  1  9       0    1000  9 1  1  9  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS72-L  0  0 10       0    1000  9 1  0 10  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 FS72-R  0  1 10       0    1000  9 1  1 10  0  0  9 4.095 0.100 0.0 N
 QSE43   0 11  5   -2047    2047  5 1 11  5  0  0  5 1.000 0.100 0.0 R
 QSE44   0  2  5   -2047    2047  5 1  2  5  0  0  5 1.000 0.100 0.0 R
 SINDRUM 0  8  3   -1500    1500  2 1  8  3  0  0  2 1.000 0.100 0.0 R
 WEK     0  6  3   -2047    2047  2 1  6  3  0  0  2 1.000 0.100 0.0 R
 WEN     0  7  3   -4047    4047  2 1  7  3  0  0  2 1.000 0.100 0.0 R
SOL01 = QSD01

Secondary Beam LineSecondary Beam Line Secondary Beam Line Control System: Home Page
Secondary Beam LineSecondary Beam Line Last updated by Urs Rohrer on 10-Feb-2006