Turtle Input file for the above described proton beam line (The multiple scattering parameters [type code 1 after type code 6] for the line defining the effects of water [H2O] or Tungsten [W] on the proton beam were computed with the auxiliary program MUSCAT [included in the TURTLE package]. Both materials have to be divided into fractions of their total thicknesses [50 * 0.1 mm for water {H2O} and 10 * 3.75 micro-meters for Tungsten {W}].): /Double Scattering Example/ 10000000 15. 1.0 /mm/ 0.1 ; 15. 11.0 /MeVc/ 0.001 ; 15. 12.0 /MeV/ 0.001 ; 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 0.1 369.1 /BEAM/ ; (Ekin = 70 MeV beam) -7.0 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 /shft/ ; 16. 3.0 1836.7 /m0/ ; (proton mass) 16. 165. /MULT/ ; (enable multiple scattering) 16. 190. 0. 100. /Meta/ ; (output to FOR100.DAT) 16. 160. /INVS/ ; (enable inverse slits) 16. 198. 50. ; (concatenate loss-entries in loss-table) 9. 50. ; (5 mm H2O degrader, Ekin = 62.6 MeV) 6. 1. 10. 3. 10. /Degr/ ; 1. 1.719 9.12 523.4 .657 281.7 0.0276 0.098 0.0 /H2O/ ; 3. 0.0001 ; 9. 0. ; 50.0 11.0 347. 357. 0.25 ; (momentum) 50.0 12.0 61. 66. 0.25 ; (Ekin) 50.0 2.0 -50. 50. 5. ; (x'[rms] = 12 mr) 16. 198. 10. ; (concatenate loss-entries in loss-table) 9. 10. ; (1st scatterer, Tungsten foil 37.5 micron) 6. 1. 100. 3. 100. /Sca1/ ; 1. 3.352 6.33 50.48 .506 119.6 0.0155 0.0377 0.0 /W/ ; 3. 0.00000375 ; 9. 0. ; 50.0 11.0 347. 357. 0.25 ; (momentum) 50.0 12.0 61. 66. 0.25 ; (Ekin) 50.0 2.0 -50. 50. 5. ; (x'[rms] = 16 mr) 3. 0.45 ; 16. 198. 1. ; (reset for loss-table) 6. 1. 2.5 3. 2.5 /Oclu/ ; (occluding disc, 5mm diameter) 16. 198. 10. ; (concatenate loss-entries in loss-table) 9. 10. ; (2nd scatterer, Tungsten foil 37.5 micron) 6. 1. 100. 3. 100. /Sca2/ ; 1. 3.352 6.33 50.48 .506 119.6 0.0155 0.0377 0.0 /W/ ; 3. 0.00000375 ; 9. 0. ; 3. 0.98 ; 16. 161. /Norm/ ; (enable normal slit) 16. 198. 1. ; (reset for loss-table) 6. 1. 17.5 3. 17.5 /Aper/ ; (aperture) 3. 0.07 /Targ/ ; 51. 1. -20. 20. 2. ; 52. 3. -20. 20. 2. ; 50. 21. 17.5 19.0 0.1 ; (penumbra, radial edge fall-off, 0.4 mm) SENTINEL SENTINEL Table of the proton losses along the double scattering beam line: Summary of particles stopped by apertures. ------------------------------------------ position type label rays 0.0049 m Slit Degr 62364.4 0.0050 m Slit Sca1 3685.7 0.4550 m Slit Oclu 645627.8 0.4551 m Slit Sca2 3425.7 1.4351 m Slit Aper 7477660.0 total 8192764.0
The following picture shows the 8 requested histograms. Histogram 8 shows
the penumbra, which is about 0.4 mm. Even with 10'000'000 protons running
through the proton beam line, the statistical fluctuations are still visible in
histograms 7 and 8.
The next picture shows a contour-diagram of histogram 7. This plot
consists of 40 equidistant contour lines (2.5 % intensity difference
from line to line). Over the whole field inside the penumbra the proton
beam distribution is constant within ±2.5 %.
The picture below shows a side-view of histogram 7. Also here the flatness
(within ±2.5 %) inside the penumbra of the proton distribution at the target
is well visible.
It is very easy with TURTLE to study the different non-nominal beam conditions (misalignments)
by applying beam shift parameters (type code 7) different from zero in the Turtle input file.
As an example the results on the proton beam at the target location by the displacement of the initial
proton beam by +0.5 mm in x from the axis (but still double scattering enabled) is plotted in the next picture: From the picture above it can be seen, that the double scattering method is very sensitive to lateral
proton beam displacements (confirmed by [2]). Therefore, the position of the proton beam spot at the beginning
of the proton beam line has to be stabilized to ±0.1 mm during the irradiation of the tumor in
order to get a sufficiently even dose distribution at all locations. With other beam-shifts it
is relatively easy to test the sensitivity of double scattering to various kinds of displacements. Also the influence
of the initial proton beam spot parameters and the momentum spread may be studied. The super-position
of different non-nominal conditions may also be simulated e.g. by adding-up the results of different
Turtle runs. Because of the statistical requirements of double scattering computations, this may be very time-consuming.